Friday, December 9, 2011

Going under the knife

Today I'm having surgery. Seriously. No I'm not kidding. 

About a month ago I found a lump on the back of my head. Although it was nowhere near my scar, I immediately thought it could be related to the brain surgery I had as a baby. I got it checked out last week and I was informed that it was in fact, a cyst that had nothing to do with my previous brain injury. (Hallelujah!)
So, I should feel good right? WRONG the doctor then informed me that once removed, the cyst would be sent to pathology where it would be tested for cancerous material. Say what?! Cancer?!? So the freak out continued. So, I was scared. Internally a mess. But today there have been so many tender mercies from my Heavenly Father that have put me at ease. 

1. I received a priesthood blessing from my home teachers.
2. I found a perfume sample in my jacket that smells exactly like my G-ma Falk. It has been calming me down all day.
3. We have a huge bowl of double bubble in our apartment - it's a reminder of my Grandma Rallison. I know she is helping me through this.
4. I  have really great friends, roommates, and family who have been encouraging me all day. 

This surgery is not the most invasive
 nor probably the worst thing that will ever happen.
 But it's new for me. 
Even scary.
But, I have faith that it will all be okay. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Good day

Last Monday of classes! Highlights of the day:
- Totally rocked my urinary pass off lab. If you ever have bladder distention and need some assistance, I'm your girl
- I payed my rent! Not fun but at least it's on time this month!
- Watched just friends and holy cow that movie is dang funny. Ryan Reynolds is HILARIOUS and good looking. Lethal combination.

So finally on the last Monday of the semester everything seems to go right. It's about time! Bring on the studying!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Airport Fun

I am sitting at the airport quite early for my flight. 3 hours early to be exact. Now, I generally enjoy getting to the airport pretty early when I travel but even this is too much extra time for me! Nonetheless I plan on using my time wisely. Homework? heck no. I'm on vacation. I am choosing to spend my time in a more rewarding fashion: People watching. The airport is the treasure trove for people watching. People from all over the world with different communication styles and behaviors come together in a forcibly close environment. Awesome. 
I have witnessed many things in my time here thus far. Some good observation but others make me question what the heck this world is coming to. 
Let's start with the bad: 
Bratty kids:
 I know I was not a little angel in my teen years, in fact I know I had an attitude at times BUT the way kids talk to their parents theses days...let's just say my dad would have cleaned my mouth out with a bar of soap if I spouted off like that. 
Yeah I know I sound like a hypocrite as I sit here on my computer with my ear buds in listening to bones on hulu but as I look around EVERYONE has some form of technology crammed in their face. Technology is not bad. I love it and I understand it's blessing BUT moderation in all things? I think yes. Let's learn some moderation people! 
Now, the good: 
Adorable kids:
My favorite part about the airport is watching the kids waiting to get on the plane. They press their faces against the window, waiting for the descent. What ever happened to that excitement?! I miss that.

Let's get real...airports are the BOMB! Let's hope I still think that after 3 hours

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pet Peeve

I have a few pet peeves. One of which was tested today. Now, I never claim to be the best at english and usually I'm not one to criticize but SERIOUSLY this bugs me. If when reading this you realize you have these tendencies STOP NOW. 

The words on the following list...


Now, my professors supposEDly have more schooling and yet they cannot say acrosS to save their liVes! 
My internal reaction to these words. (love you mom!) 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goodbye Halloween

It's NOVEMBER! Which means that it's time to get fat and jolly, and put away the things that make us scared out of our minds and crying for mama. The Halloween season is over and it was another successful year. Why was it so successful you ask? Allow me to elaborate 
1. I dressed as peter pan. Made the costume myself and it was awesome!
2. Dance parties! Now I'm not a shy dancer but costumes make anyone a little more free from their inhibitions
3. I ran my first half marathon! No you did not read that wrong. I, Sarah Falk, ran a half marathon. Unbelievable? yes. BUT TRUE!
 13.1 miles
in 2:02:14
I have wanted to do this for months but never thought it was possible
 But, with a schedule, support system, and a bit of rash stupidity it happened. 
I am so blessed! 

Peter pan and a cubs fan

Becks and I did it! I wore that medal all day

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keep it covered guys!

V-neck tees. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the style!  But no v-neck tee I've ever seen before compares to what I saw today. I was just cruising around campus, going to class when out of nowhere my eyes were assaulted. This guy's neck line was more plunging than anything I would wear at school, at church, or even out on the town! We're talking pectoral man cleavage was revealed. So, here is my message to all you v-neck tee guys who think their too hot to cover your sternums: as much as you might love your pecs/shoulders/shirtless bods please keep them covered for my (and every other girls) sake. It's distracting. And frankly it screams, "Look at me. I know I'm hot." Completely unattractive. 
It looked like joke. Nasty

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last night we had a ward talent show and let me tell was epic. There was clogging, poetry, singing, angry birding, rapping, music playing, and skits up the wazoo and I loved every minute of it. After this memorable event that was then followed by slab pizza and a meteor shower I have come to one conclusion: I know the coolest people! How did I get so lucky?! I have the most wonderful friends and I know that sounds cheesy but seriously they're the best. AND after last night I am excited to get to know my potential future friends of the ward! I love my life! 

Last night put me in a Flight of the Conchords kind of mood:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Old people...Are the COOLEST.

I was able to go to the Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George this last week with a group from my nursing program. We were in charge of screening the patients for blood pressure, blood sugar, and flu shots (yeah...i gave people shots. nbd). We also got to be medical support at the softball fields. It was AMAZING! Seriously, the people there are such an inspiration. You only need to meet one 91 year old competing in a triathlon to believe that anything is possible. 
The last few weeks I've been working in a rehab facility/nursing home. Taking care of the patients there has been so rewarding. At times though, it makes me nervous for getting old and losing function like some of the patients I care for. That's why I LOVED seeing the people at the games. They gave me hope that growing old doesn't have to be a lost cause. It's all in your attitude and it can be FUN!

Some of the group heading off to watch softball

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Food, Good People, and a Funeral

Just thought I'd point out: it's October. yeah.

Where did September go?! It feels like just yesterday I was waiting in my apartment for my roommates to get back form summer and school to start. Now it's FALL! My most favorite season for clothing. We all know how much I love cardigans! Along with fall came a very busy week last week.

First: I made chicken pillows. Yes the most divine meal ever! We are doing roommate dinners again this semester (hallelujah) so I get to make all my favorite meals for others to enjoy! Chicken pillows are DIVINE people. We're talking chickeny, cream cheese goodness wrapped in a crescent roll and then rolled in italian bread crumbs.
A stinking delicious cream sauce is then poured over the top of the baked finished product. All in all one of my more delicious meals.

Second: My family came to town! This conference weekend my parents came to visit Provo with my Sister Stephanie and two of her kids. Although I never actually left provo it was nice to "get out of Provo" in the figurative sense. Just took a short couple day vacation with the fam and it was AWESOME! We ate out literally EVERY meal so now, after the weekend o' fam I'm having to deal with the reprocussions .
Totally worth it.
Third: Shots! Today in my nursing lab I gave shots for the first time in my entire life. It was one of those, "Oh my gosh I'm in nursing school" moments. Not as scary as I thought but still a little strange. The thought of piercing someone's skin, as if you're throwing a dart at it (which is how we were taught to, by the way) is still slightly unnerving but I DID IT!! Now, one forearm, one deltoid, and one ventrogluteal shot later I feel confident (as of now) that I won't kill anyone via needle stick. Huzzah!

Fourth: on a more somber, sad, depressing, dismal, miserable note....JJ the betta fish has passed on to fish heaven. He was a good little fish. He started this life the most flamboyant, pink and purple fish petsmart had to offer. He left this world an old fish the color of dishwater. It was his time to go and yet it's hard to say goodbye. JJ...We love you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lessons Learned

School has begun again and it is just as crazy, chaotic, and AWESOME as ever. It's been awhile so allow me to outline some lessons I've learned over the past month. Some are somber. Others are cheerful. All are pertinent:

1. Nursing is hard. I knew this coming into the semester OBVIOUSLY but it's been a lot of reading, time, concentration, and patience this time around. It's been an adventure. One that i am very lucky to be on and continue to enjoy everyday
2. The church is true. A lot of changes have come over the past month in school, relationships, family etc and the only thing getting me through everything is my testimony in the gospel.
3. Sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to do. Prayer, even if it tells us answers contrary to what we want, is key. Follow it and the Lord will help you through.
4. Family is everything. Again, I already knew this but recently it's been reaffirmed to me over and over again.
5. College is FUN! This is the time of our lives people! Activities, Sports, School, Dating, Friendship, Craziness.
This is it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Melt Down

A few days ago I had an emotional breakdown. Not about school, boys, or my future. I know, shocker. Actually the whole premise of this blog brought about this meltdown. Braces. It's getting to my 6 year anniversary with these babies and although we have grown very close and shared some special time, mostly I just want to rip them off my teeth. I came home this summer with the intent of doing just that. FINALLY no more metal mouth brace face. Alas, as my summer draws to a close I go back to BYU, a senior in college, with my braces very much still intact. So, a few tears were shed, my orthodontist was dissed and my world felt like it was ending (dramatization!)
So, life goes on. with braces. Hopefully the people in the retirement home this fall won't mind being treated by a girl that looks like a 15 year old.

Let's take a look back at my braces and me through the years

Pre-braces (2005)

High school. All metal braces.

Now! Bring on the clear braces

Monday, August 1, 2011

All because two people fell in love

In the year 1974...
Gas was 55 cents a gallon
Richard Nixon was forced to resign as president
The Exorcist came into theaters
My parents got married!

37 years, 9 kids, 15 grand kids, and many happy moments later they are celebrating their LOVE! Happy anniversary to the best, most extraordinary, parents ever. 37 years and still going strong. Talk about a great example.

P.S. I had my mom put on her wedding dress last week. she is so cool. Happy day to "the most beautiful woman in the world"(dad's catch phrase)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I have been blessed with six sister and two sister in laws who are all SUPER creative, crafty, and stylish. A blessing...and a curse!
The problem: I can never keep up with their adorable home decor!
I'm a poor college student! Sometimes i have to choose food before decor. i know. A crime. It's difficult to copy my sisters' stinkin cute styles but I must try...somehow. I have pottery barn taste on a garage sale budget.

Craft warehouse - the mecca of all things crafty in Beaverton, OR closed their store. I almost cried until I saw the bright yellow 70% off signs and then got quote a bit more cheery! I got a few supplies and started a new, awesome project for way CHEAP!

Before..and AFTER!

Hooks (4): $8
Ribbon: $3
Vinyl: $6
Adorable home decor that will look awesome in our apartment: priceless

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Whack a mole and hogwarts trolls

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Definite highs and lows this week.

I'll start with the low point: I am a murderer.

My grandpa has a mole infestation so he has been trying to get me to "shoot the little buggers" but considering I don't know how to shoot a gun, nothing has been done. Until now. One day at work I was taking a break from painting and adjusting my radio when I heard a little rustle behind me. The grass was moving! A mole was creating another mound, just barely poking it's head out of the ground. I reacted to my first instinct and went to grab a hammer. I know. Seriously? I disgust myself. You don't need to know the rest of the details. Basically, the game of whack-a-mole has been forever tainted for me.

High point: 'ARRY POTTA!!!

I will start my review by saying I love Harry Potter. This book series has changed my life. You say dramatic? I say you're barking. HP FOREVER!

I LOVED THIS MOVIE! It was obviously different than the book but that's to be expected.

Best parts:
-Famous line from Molly Weasley when she DEMOLISHED Bellatrix
-19 years later. check! I was so happy!
-Neville's got the hots for Luna. Not in the book but LOVE IT
- Ron and Hermione Kissed. Fabulous

Lastly, Neville. I love him. He rocked this movie. and did anyone else notice what a babe he's become?! I mean seriously. Longbottom's got it going on.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Painting, painting, and more painting

My summer job this year is working for my grandpa. It's absolutely wonderful! All the same emotions and feel of a paycheck job but with no taxes taken out. ;) The job description mostly consists of outdoor work and frankly more physical labor than I expected but it's all good! For the past few weeks I've been painting the outside of my grandpa's house. All by myself. With a 4 inch wide paint brush...ya it has been quite the project.

Here are some things I've learned while painting:

1. Getting paint out of human hair is really really difficult.
2. Whoever thought of putting violins in pop/hip hop songs is a GENIUS
3. Jason Aldean's song Dirt road anthem...really?! a country rap. So horrible.
4. Taylor swift has a gift. Her lyrics make me cry!
5. Diet coke + winterfresh gum = tastes like dirt
6. Dr. Pepper + winterfresh gum = tastes like cough syrup
7. Moving around 400 pound scaffolding without wheels by yourself is EXHAUSTING!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't even worry. I'm alive

Why is it that the moment I have something AWESOME to blog about...I drop the ball? Seriously the moment my life got interesting I stopped blogging. lame. BUT never fear my few followers. My life has now resumed it's monotony so the world has been set right, I can continue to blog :)

The last month has been...WONDERFUL! I have learned a lot about myself and how great life is! I finished up school for the semester, miraculously doing well in my class even with something (or someone) distracting me every time I should have been studying! oh well, all's well that ends well.

I am now home around my most favorite people in the world: my family. Even though my fam is huge, everyone has LEFT so it's just my parents and me. I get to come home from work and hang out with the coolest people ever (aka my PARENTS!) every night. I'd say that makes for an awesome summer! This week we've been watching a new harry potter movie every night. Midnight premiere here we come! :)

Anyway this is just an update on life and and an apology for my lack of blogging enthusiasm as of late. my bad. Be prepared for a storm of blogging awesomeness soon to come.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June? Already?

Wow spring is totally flying by!
I'm only weeks away from returning to my one true love: Portland.
BUT this is very bitter sweet because spring is so AWESOME. I hate thinking about leaving my autonomy and friends behind!. My ward is so great I love the people all so much. We have been up to some shenanigans this spring and it's made the time fly by. Today, for example, we had a water balloon fight and despite my best intentions to make it last longer, the activity lasted about 10 minutes give of take. This is with 600 water balloons mind you. and about 20 people. do the math. It was a total free-for-all and so much fun, even though I got SOAKED! Thank you Tanner. Apparently I not only needed a water balloon to the face but a shower as well :).
All in all it was a short activity that packed a lot of FUN.

After working at the MTC for almost 2 years, my image of the quintessential missionary has been marred by many an annoying customer. Whether they’re complaining about the greasy food, lack of options, or minimal quantity they have ceased to wow me with their missionary "aura". So the other day I was pleased to eavesdrop on a conversation between two elders. It went a little something like this

E1 – so do you have a girl back home?

E2 – ya I do. She’s the best

E1 – oh really? Tell me about her

E2 – well I love her so much. She’s going to be the most avid writer a guy could have. She’s 12, my little sister.

Seriously I almost passed out right there on the salad bar. Adorable. My faith in the quintessential, adorable missionary has been restored!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend O' Fun

This may be too much to talk about all at once so lets break it up into days.

Friday (12:00 am)
midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean. aka the 2nd best pirates movie. Reasons being:
- Hot clergyman: sensitive, caring, religious, and buff. A lethal combination
- Killer mermaids: easily the coolest mermaid fight scene I've ever seen.
- Jack Sparrow: The man has swagger

Friday -
-Went Running in the rain: the best thing for a slightly home-sick oregonian
- Girls night! we set up a little bed on my floor, had a picnic and watched transformers. One thing that would improve that movie - cut out Megan Fox

Saturday -
- SUNNY DAY! you know what that means. yes, I did absolutely nothing productive. The day consisted of playing games with my awesome ward and learning some interesting things about people...aka Sian-amy cutting off someone's fingers. SAY WHAT?!
- ate my first J-dawg of the summer with another stellar group of people.

- gave a talk in my church! After flying under the radar for 5 years i figured it was my time but it was still nerve racking. BUT it's over now and I didn't puke, pass out, or ramble incoherently so I'd say it was a success.
- Taught Rebecca how to longboard. Basically, she's pro now. Anyone else want to learn?
- Attended a dating fireside. Learned about being "Squishy in all the right places" (thank you brother Hagland)

So, to sum it all up: I am so lucky. I am surrounded by the most amazing people everyday. Could life get any better?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sometimes we do crazy things.

Rebecca: roommate. BFF. BIRTHDAY GIRL! Yes, yesterday was becks' birthday. Let me start by saying this - I LOVE birthdays! Absolutely adore birthdays. Let's break down the day's high points:

1) 12:00:01 am - birthday dance was given to commemorate the day. It was definitely something that should only be seen once/yr :)
2) Balloons and decor fill the apartment...or part of it
3) Mimi's cafe. seriously awesome food and even better company
4) Strawberry jello cake that I made! and BONUS! strawberries were on sale.
5) Midnight showing of Pirate's of the Caribbean with a group of amazing girls!

So all this is great on it's own but to TOP IT OFF, becks and I did something...illegal? no, not illegal...just frowned upon :)
We smuggled her cake into the theater by way of my purse.
The whole cake. Frosted with cool whip and decorated, still in a 9x13 pan.
Yes. In my purse.
AND we brought spoons to eat with the amazing girls mentioned before.
one word...EPIC.

Happy Birthday Becks! I was willing to get arrested for you. Or at least detained by movie theater "Security".
That's how much I love you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Purple Flowers

Today I was walking up to class around one (and looking fly I might add!). I was all decked out in my favorite shirt, aka my date shirt and feeling good so I was smiling and saying hi to all the random people I passed on the ramp. Looking back now I can see how I may have seemed like a weird-o but at the time I was being friendly.
So, I go to pass this guy. Never seen him before, don't know him from Adam etc. He stops mid stride, looks at me and starts gesturing to the front of his shirt, obviously trying to find words for his thoughts. I wait patiently for him to say something, all the while smiling encouragingly no matter how weirded out I am. Just when I thought I couldn't bare it anymore he finally blurted out, "Purple flowers"(which were on my shirt). What do you say to that? I proceeded to nod my head and say, "yes...". He then turns around and keeps walking on his way home.
Excuse me...WHAT?!
Was that a pick up line?
a compliment?
a dis?
who knows?! My pathophysiology class has me turning into a hypochondriac so my first thought was that he was suffering from aphasia. Then the explanation I decided to believe was that my beauty was so overwhelming he couldn't form a coherent sentence. :) makes sense ya? Any other theories please feel free to share. I just know he has forever marked my favorite shirt with his memory. Thank you random dude on the ramp for making my life interesting.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Basics

A few key things you MUST know about me before continuing to read this blog:

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some people may know it as the mormon church. My life revolves around the gospel and I love it so much. I go to a church run university called BYU. Everyday I am immersed in the goodness of this gospel and it brings my such joy. Go to this website for more information

This is Betsy, my car. I love every duck taped, paint chipped inch of her. Also, I love Oregon as you can tell from the HUGE Oregon sticker on Betsy's backside. I am from Portland. I will never deny that Portland is weird and full of pot heads and hippies but I love it

1) This is an AMAZING collage I put together on my bedroom wall. I want to show everyone who enters my apartment but there is such a thing as the honor code here at BYU so I decided to post a picture! I love interior decorating. I single handedly decorated my whole apartment (sorry Abby, Rebecca, and know it's true!) My favorite place to shop for decorations is DI. It tests my creativity and allows me to make something beautiful out of something seemingly ordinary.
2) The pictures in the collage are of my family. My family means the world to me. I am the youngest of nine kids and our family is constantly growing with brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews (15 so far!). My siblings are my best friends. I lived with my sister Katie last semester and I miss her everyday...even though she only lives two floors away. I am completely devoted to my family.

I have the best parents in the world! I love them so much.
My mom is my best friend.
My dad is my hero.

Let the blogging begin!

So this one time I made a blog...and then forgot about it. Then my roommate (Michael Ann McKinlay) LEFT! She went off gallivanting in Europe. As it is my dream to go to Europe my newest hobby has been to stalk her travels. So, today as I was looking at her tumblr and living vicariously through her experiences I asked my life truly interesting enough for a blog? Can it even compare to this? I say YES! I may not be traveling around the world, or have adorable children to post pictures of, or even have mind blowing recipes to share but I do have one thing: My ordinary, sometimes outrageous, everyday life. Yes my friends. I will write about life as a Latter-day saint, 21 year old brace-face nursing student attending Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. Hold on to your hats people, this could get crazy.

Disclaimer: I have never, nor will I ever claim to be good at writing. That being said, while reading this blog do not be too offended by missing commas or all around bad grammar. I'm working on it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Turning 21...with braces

My name is Sarah and although I may look sixteen, I am a junior at BYU. Yes, home of The Jimmer. The number one characteristic which makes me appear younger than I am is one thing and one thing only: Braces. Besides being a Brace face, I am studying nursing with a minor in family studies so life can get a little crazy. Somehow though, I still find time for fun…even though I will repeat, (and I do not think I can reiterate this fact enough) I am a 21 year old with BRACES ya’ll!….Braces! Whatever. I know I am already cooler than the majority of peeps in this world, but in a few months my teeth will be better too. Peace and Blessings. Enjoy the Blogging.