Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keep it covered guys!

V-neck tees. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the style!  But no v-neck tee I've ever seen before compares to what I saw today. I was just cruising around campus, going to class when out of nowhere my eyes were assaulted. This guy's neck line was more plunging than anything I would wear at school, at church, or even out on the town! We're talking pectoral man cleavage was revealed. So, here is my message to all you v-neck tee guys who think their too hot to cover your sternums: as much as you might love your pecs/shoulders/shirtless bods please keep them covered for my (and every other girls) sake. It's distracting. And frankly it screams, "Look at me. I know I'm hot." Completely unattractive. 
It looked like this...no joke. Nasty

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last night we had a ward talent show and let me tell you...it was epic. There was clogging, poetry, singing, angry birding, rapping, music playing, and skits up the wazoo and I loved every minute of it. After this memorable event that was then followed by slab pizza and a meteor shower I have come to one conclusion: I know the coolest people! How did I get so lucky?! I have the most wonderful friends and I know that sounds cheesy but seriously they're the best. AND after last night I am excited to get to know my potential future friends of the ward! I love my life! 

Last night put me in a Flight of the Conchords kind of mood:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Old people...Are the COOLEST.

I was able to go to the Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George this last week with a group from my nursing program. We were in charge of screening the patients for blood pressure, blood sugar, and flu shots (yeah...i gave people shots. nbd). We also got to be medical support at the softball fields. It was AMAZING! Seriously, the people there are such an inspiration. You only need to meet one 91 year old competing in a triathlon to believe that anything is possible. 
The last few weeks I've been working in a rehab facility/nursing home. Taking care of the patients there has been so rewarding. At times though, it makes me nervous for getting old and losing function like some of the patients I care for. That's why I LOVED seeing the people at the games. They gave me hope that growing old doesn't have to be a lost cause. It's all in your attitude and it can be FUN!

Some of the group heading off to watch softball

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Food, Good People, and a Funeral

Just thought I'd point out: it's October. yeah.

Where did September go?! It feels like just yesterday I was waiting in my apartment for my roommates to get back form summer and school to start. Now it's FALL! My most favorite season for clothing. We all know how much I love cardigans! Along with fall came a very busy week last week.

First: I made chicken pillows. Yes the most divine meal ever! We are doing roommate dinners again this semester (hallelujah) so I get to make all my favorite meals for others to enjoy! Chicken pillows are DIVINE people. We're talking chickeny, cream cheese goodness wrapped in a crescent roll and then rolled in italian bread crumbs.
A stinking delicious cream sauce is then poured over the top of the baked finished product. All in all one of my more delicious meals.

Second: My family came to town! This conference weekend my parents came to visit Provo with my Sister Stephanie and two of her kids. Although I never actually left provo it was nice to "get out of Provo" in the figurative sense. Just took a short couple day vacation with the fam and it was AWESOME! We ate out literally EVERY meal so now, after the weekend o' fam I'm having to deal with the reprocussions .
Totally worth it.
Third: Shots! Today in my nursing lab I gave shots for the first time in my entire life. It was one of those, "Oh my gosh I'm in nursing school" moments. Not as scary as I thought but still a little strange. The thought of piercing someone's skin, as if you're throwing a dart at it (which is how we were taught to, by the way) is still slightly unnerving but I DID IT!! Now, one forearm, one deltoid, and one ventrogluteal shot later I feel confident (as of now) that I won't kill anyone via needle stick. Huzzah!

Fourth: on a more somber, sad, depressing, dismal, miserable note....JJ the betta fish has passed on to fish heaven. He was a good little fish. He started this life the most flamboyant, pink and purple fish petsmart had to offer. He left this world an old fish the color of dishwater. It was his time to go and yet it's hard to say goodbye. JJ...We love you.