Thursday, June 2, 2011

June? Already?

Wow spring is totally flying by!
I'm only weeks away from returning to my one true love: Portland.
BUT this is very bitter sweet because spring is so AWESOME. I hate thinking about leaving my autonomy and friends behind!. My ward is so great I love the people all so much. We have been up to some shenanigans this spring and it's made the time fly by. Today, for example, we had a water balloon fight and despite my best intentions to make it last longer, the activity lasted about 10 minutes give of take. This is with 600 water balloons mind you. and about 20 people. do the math. It was a total free-for-all and so much fun, even though I got SOAKED! Thank you Tanner. Apparently I not only needed a water balloon to the face but a shower as well :).
All in all it was a short activity that packed a lot of FUN.

After working at the MTC for almost 2 years, my image of the quintessential missionary has been marred by many an annoying customer. Whether they’re complaining about the greasy food, lack of options, or minimal quantity they have ceased to wow me with their missionary "aura". So the other day I was pleased to eavesdrop on a conversation between two elders. It went a little something like this

E1 – so do you have a girl back home?

E2 – ya I do. She’s the best

E1 – oh really? Tell me about her

E2 – well I love her so much. She’s going to be the most avid writer a guy could have. She’s 12, my little sister.

Seriously I almost passed out right there on the salad bar. Adorable. My faith in the quintessential, adorable missionary has been restored!

1 comment:

  1. Thats so cute! Oh missionaries... Hey, you should look out for my little bro! Tho I don't know how since you've never met him, he looks nothing like me. Or even Todd really. Meh.
