Friday, October 7, 2011

Old people...Are the COOLEST.

I was able to go to the Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George this last week with a group from my nursing program. We were in charge of screening the patients for blood pressure, blood sugar, and flu shots (yeah...i gave people shots. nbd). We also got to be medical support at the softball fields. It was AMAZING! Seriously, the people there are such an inspiration. You only need to meet one 91 year old competing in a triathlon to believe that anything is possible. 
The last few weeks I've been working in a rehab facility/nursing home. Taking care of the patients there has been so rewarding. At times though, it makes me nervous for getting old and losing function like some of the patients I care for. That's why I LOVED seeing the people at the games. They gave me hope that growing old doesn't have to be a lost cause. It's all in your attitude and it can be FUN!

Some of the group heading off to watch softball

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, Sarah. Joe said he did this when he was in college. He wants to chat with you about it. Glad to hear you're doing well!
