Sunday, July 17, 2011

Whack a mole and hogwarts trolls

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Definite highs and lows this week.

I'll start with the low point: I am a murderer.

My grandpa has a mole infestation so he has been trying to get me to "shoot the little buggers" but considering I don't know how to shoot a gun, nothing has been done. Until now. One day at work I was taking a break from painting and adjusting my radio when I heard a little rustle behind me. The grass was moving! A mole was creating another mound, just barely poking it's head out of the ground. I reacted to my first instinct and went to grab a hammer. I know. Seriously? I disgust myself. You don't need to know the rest of the details. Basically, the game of whack-a-mole has been forever tainted for me.

High point: 'ARRY POTTA!!!

I will start my review by saying I love Harry Potter. This book series has changed my life. You say dramatic? I say you're barking. HP FOREVER!

I LOVED THIS MOVIE! It was obviously different than the book but that's to be expected.

Best parts:
-Famous line from Molly Weasley when she DEMOLISHED Bellatrix
-19 years later. check! I was so happy!
-Neville's got the hots for Luna. Not in the book but LOVE IT
- Ron and Hermione Kissed. Fabulous

Lastly, Neville. I love him. He rocked this movie. and did anyone else notice what a babe he's become?! I mean seriously. Longbottom's got it going on.

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