I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some people may know it as the mormon church. My life revolves around the gospel and I love it so much. I go to a church run university called BYU. Everyday I am immersed in the goodness of this gospel and it brings my such joy. Go to this website for more information http://mormon.org/
This is Betsy, my car. I love every duck taped, paint chipped inch of her. Also, I love Oregon as you can tell from the HUGE Oregon sticker on Betsy's backside. I am from Portland. I will never deny that Portland is weird and full of pot heads and hippies but I love it
2) The pictures in the collage are of my family. My family means the world to me. I am the youngest of nine kids and our family is constantly growing with brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews (15 so far!). My siblings are my best friends. I lived with my sister Katie last semester and I miss her everyday...even though she only lives two floors away. I am completely devoted to my family.
I have the best parents in the world! I love them so much.
My mom is my best friend.
My dad is my hero.
YESSS so excited to add you to my blog-stalking list!